The bouncers were some of the most rude people! The line was becoming crowded, so we were asked to step back, as we were moving back to bouncer felt the need to physically push us back, because we weren't moving fast enough (keep in mind there are people behind us). As a young woman, I felt extremely mistreated and harassed. I guarantee this would not have been done to a group of men. Not to mention, we were being yelled at for no reason. My friends and I decided to leave the club. No, It may not have been all of the bouncers who did this, but the ones who were also there and saw the mishap did nothing. We had several other random gentlemen/club-goers come up to us and apologize after the incident because everyone could see how rough we were treated.
The bouncers were some of the most rude people! The line was becoming crowded, so we were asked to step back, as we were moving back to bouncer felt the need to physically push us back, because we weren't moving fast enough (keep in mind there are people behind us). As a young woman, I felt extremely mistreated and harassed. I guarantee this would not have been done to a group of men. Not to mention, we were being yelled at for no reason. My friends and I decided to leave the club. No, It may not have been all of the bouncers who did this, but the ones who were also there and saw the mishap did nothing. We had several other random gentlemen/club-goers come up to us and apologize after the incident because everyone could see how rough we were treated.