I ended up here after flipping out about a day after my mother was murdered.
Upon arriving, a very unprofessional security guard asked me about why I was there, licked his lips and said "I guess you needed a place to stay, huh?" mistaking me for some homeless person.
100 percent of the staff just chats with each other and plays around on their cellphones, no mental health care, counseling or anything else is provided, they simply feed you three times a day and keep you in bunkers similar to Russian priosons.
Whenever I would try to use the bathroom, some mental patient would race in front of me and occupy a stall.
I ended up here after flipping out about a day after my mother was murdered. Upon arriving, a very unprofessional security guard asked me about why I was there, licked his lips and said "I guess you needed a place to stay, huh?" mistaking me for some homeless person. 100 percent of the staff just chats with each other and plays around on their cellphones, no mental health care, counseling or anything else is provided, they simply feed you three times a day and keep you in bunkers similar to Russian priosons. Whenever I would try to use the bathroom, some mental patient would race in front of me and occupy a stall.